Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Dozen Coachisms

A Dozen Coachisms:

12. Good sailors anticipate.
Not-so-good sailors react.
Bad sailors react slowly.

11. When you blow off practice, you blow off the team. When you blow
off the team, you blow off yourself. When you blow off yourself...

10. Once sails are set and trimmed correctly. A major factor in
Boat speed is weight placement. Keep the boat flat and level (bow to
stern) unless conditions warrant a change. Feel when to Heel.

9. It's not that you should be afraid of losing.
You just don't wanna be around when it happens.

8. Simplicity 101: There are only two tacks, be on the one that points more towards the weather mark. When in doubt:
1. Take the tack with clearer air to maximize boat speed
2. Work back to the rhumb line to minimize risk
3. Remember rule #1 above #2 but avoid the risky "corners of doom"

7. Team Race Simplicity (if that's possible):
If you control two out of three pairs, you can control the race.

6. It's not the teammates in your life that matter.
It's the life in your teammates.

5. Fast dinghies are initially turned with sail trim and weight
placement. The rudder merely tags along. Reduce the load to increase the mother lode.

4. Fear of losing has motivated more people than the promise of winning.

3. Good sailors let their automatic skills sail "the breeze of the
moment" while there conscious skills anticipate the breeze of the

2. In a dinghy...
Four eyes are better than two.
Two brains are better than one.
One ass is too many for all.

1. Fun is a job well done.


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