Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Team Racing Strategy (Twiname)

Team Racing Strategy

In the words of sailing author Eric Twiname, team racing is much like
• Each piece can’t win without the support of the others.
• A piece may be sacrificed, if it helps the overall game plam.
• A strong opening move is helpful.
• One must think several moves ahead and anticipate opponents moves.
• Don’t crowd your own pieces.
• As with any game, know the rules.

A successful foundation for team racing is built upon all team members
identifying the present combination, understanding the team strategy
for this situation, and executing the appropriate tactics. This requires
communication! Losing combinations can be turned around through passbacks or “slowing from behind” tactics that lead to passbacks. This is more easily
accomplished when the fleet is “bunched” or spread out more horizontally when beating.

Winning combinations can be solidified through additional passbacks,
proper defensive positioning, anticipation of opponents’ moves, and knowing
when to shift from team racing mode to fleet racing mode. Too often a winning
combo is lost through the slowing tactics of the opponent. Don’t be caught in
the fool’s game! Sail fast and keep the fleet strung out or spread more

In general, make your passbacks as quick as possible and delay the
opponents’ passbacks by attacking the boat they are trying to bring ahead.
Remember, while they are attempting the passback, two of their boats are being
slowed and only one of yours. The team should always be looking for the “breakaway”, not necessarily a 1-2 but at least two of the top three with distance between the 4th, 5th, and 6th boats regardless of which position your third boat has. Hence, some
teams have a “kick’em when they’re down” strategy off the starting line. If an
opponent has a bad start, an additional opponent is immediately dr! opped back.
This splits the fleet into two 2 on 1 pairings, with separation, and a
breakaway is in the making. Of course there’s something to be said for simply fleet
racing the first two thirds of the first beat. Some say you need not team race
until the last beat but it is rare for any successful team to take this


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