Wednesday, November 28, 2007

In Case of Glass, Break Fire

My Terriers,

I used to have an empty glass frame hanging on the wall. It was for our next all-american. When it got filled, I put up another one. I don't know how or why it's not up there now. I know I haven't lost faith but maybe I unknowingly lost a little fire. I'll have none of that so I'll be going out today and buying a few new frames.
Not everyone can be an all-american. You can live a perfectly fine and happy sailor's life without receiving such distinction. Some don't aspire to be one and those that do have no guarantee that all the hard work in the world will assure anything other than the gratification of knowing you tried your best (which is a trophy in your heart worth as much as anything you can put on your wall). Being an all-american takes more than sailing talent, a good head on your shoulders, a great partner and the right opportunities. The heart and the drive have to be there to challenge yourself everyday to become better and make those around you better. That's a tall order and a whole lot of pressure if you have the wrong attitude regarding the process. But if you really love what you're doing and it really feels fun and fulfilling to achieve greater skills and reach new levels, then it's really just another day at the play ground. Attitudes like that still might not get you all-american status on the water, but it might guide you to being an all-american student, or after graduation an all-american in your profession or as a mom or dad, husband or wife, in your soul, or to some higher power. It's blind faith though because you have to put the effort in first and see where it leads. You can also burn out, so you have to build in some down time to relax and experience other pleasures the world has to offer. Alas, even sailing could become a chore but it shouldn't take much down time to rejuvenate the body and mind. There's too many variables to be experience, so much friendship to be shared, too much fun to be had.

Nobody needs to be an all-american. You can live without it.
Just the same, I'm putting that empty glass back up on the wall.
If you want to break out the fire, I'm okay with that and I'll leave you a spot to land.


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