Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Single Digits Dudes

Short Story: Single Digit Dudes
Long Story: Below

Ladies and Gents,

For our A team, the first real test is upon us and we must look back if we're to move forward. How's it gone so far? Well, we've proven we can do kinda crappy in a kinda good fleet (Harry A), we can do kinda good in a kinda good fleet (Captain Hurst), we can do mediocre in a mediocre fleet (Hatch), and we can do very good in a very good fleet (Hood).
So we can say we have kinda proven nothing over the last month, or perhaps we've proven everything. I believe you've proven you have the ability to control your own destiny. You have that power in your hands because you sail the boat well in straight lines and in turns. You have it in your hearts because you "want it". Others think they want it, but they don't really "want it", not if it requires an effort outside their comfort zone. I mean how many members of this team really want it. You guys want it.
The question remains, do we, this A team, have that power in our head. Do we have the capability of "thinking a good regatta" and sailing smart. We do. We haven't shown that much in a consistent manner to date but the flashes are there and we've rattled some cages and made some noise. It's time for more. It's time to show yourselves that you belong on this stage. It's not "shit or get off the pot" time but it is time to take a few more baby steps and kick it up a notch.
That takes brain food.

The month of September is a great training ground but it's sorta like the 4H club (Harry, Hurst, Hatch, Hood). It's a bunch of little girls doing needlepoint and playing camp-out in the basement. Now we're off to the lion's den. There are no weak teams at the Danmark. The fleet is 18 strong. Not to scare the FN-Be-Jesus out of you but you can non-think yourself into last place in a drop of a hat, or a tap of a hull.
Gotta play heads up dudes. You can keep it simple and still be strong. Simple is not weak. It's just playing odds and risks with a little less abandon. You can show some aggro, in spots, but don't be stupid. Confidence goes further than aggression. Let that be what oozes. Listen to the whim of the wind and it will call your name.
No really, that poem says so much. A study guide to use as a spring board. Tweak it if you will, but give yourself a plan, stick to a few basic time tested "isms".
Mold yourself in consistency and bathe yourself in success.
Bathe your sailing gear too.


Isms and the sort:

Single Digits Dudes!
Cross 'em when you can
Don't let 'em cross you
Sail the beat against time
Avoid the slowing influence of other boats
Find the long tack
Stay off the corners
Keep the lay lines short
Minimize mistakes
Lead them back
Find a lane
Get the first shift
Stay between the fleet and the mark
Play off the feet
Sail the good slants
Stay off the vapor trail
Get inside the finishing cone
Play the downwind hot angles
Beat you neighbors off the line
Flat is a state of mind
Heel by design
Use your tacks and jibes as weapons
Monitor tacks based on wind speed
In the absence of other boats
Slam and dunk
Sail to the mark
Don't over flatten
Sail the breeze of the moment
Don't look over your shoulder to see the mark
Course made good overground
Anticipate the apparent
Nail your transitions
Push 'em to a corner
Up in the lulls, down in the puffs
Read the breeze
Initiate first, not respond
Work to the inside on the mark
Keep it clean
Sail the dark water.
Stay in phase
Get in tune (rig, set, trim)
Mast velocity
Copy what works
Grind back in small doses
Anticipate opponents moves
Find passing lanes
Show patience when passing lanes aren't there
Be the boat
Bow down for speed
Sail the shortest distance upwind
Sail the fastest speed downwind
The rudder is a brake
Keep the mast vertical
Vaporize and pulverize
Single Digit Sets

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